Kære alle,
KU har åbent året rundt, døgnet rundt, hvilket giver mulighed for at læse, når det passer en. Hvorfor har vores skole ikke det? Det kræver energi, det kræver tid, og det betyder, at vi ikke kan bruge den samme tid på vores projekt. Det kan ikke være rigtigt, at vi tvinges til at holde ferie helt frem til den 1. januar, når vi har en kommende eksamen, som vi skal forberede os til.
Dear all,
I hope you are enjoying your vacation. I need to express my dissatisfaction with the fact that our school is the only one among all universities in Copenhagen that remains closed during the holidays. Today, I spent two hours searching for an alternative place to work. My group and I are currently at the University of Copenhagen (KU), where we almost feel like semi-criminals. We have to wait outside the school until some KU students enter with their access cards, and then we sneak in afterward.
KU is open year-round, 24/7, providing the opportunity to study whenever it suits. Why doesn't our school have the same accessibility? It requires energy, it takes time, and it means we cannot dedicate the same amount of time to our project. It cannot be right that we are forced to take a break until January 1st, especially when we have an upcoming exam to prepare for.
The purpose of this email is not just to express my frustration but also to inquire if others share my sentiments. Are there others who find it unsatisfactory that we don't have access to the school when needed? All our computer setups, drawings, and tools are inside. If you share my concerns or at least understand my situation, please feel free to reply. This way, we can assess whether there is a basis for filing a complaint with the school.